I guess for us to properly call for an end to Domestic Violence we would first have to admit there is a problem. Hundreds of thousands of us have yet to admit that Domestic Violence IS a problem and that only adds to the problem. We decide to believe that it is not real and that it does not happen or worse yet that it does not affect ME.
Domestic Violence is real and it is happening.
As you read this a women, maybe even someone you know, is becoming a victim of Domestic Violence. In fact, a woman is beaten every 15 seconds here in the United States.
So often we ignore or choose not to understand what Domestic Violence really is. I guess that is why we have allowed this type of behavior to become so "normal". We have even begin blaming the victims by saying, "Well, if it is that bad she should just leave, " or "What did she do to deserve that,". Why are we so judgmental towards the victims for "not leaving"? As if it is the victims fault for getting beat.
We need to stand in the way of Domestic Violence and stand up for the millions of victims that dont have anyone else. Victims are many times separated and alienated from their family and friends and anyone else who should be in a position to help. That is why it is up to ALL OF US!
A few ways we can help the victims by getting the word out.
They need to know that they are not alone and that we will not stand by and watch while they are victimized over and over. We need to make every effort to research ways to get involved in our community. We can find out ways to aide in writing and enforcing stronger penalties for abusers and higher quality help for victims. We can honor the survivors who have broken the silence and encourage others to do the same.
There are many things we can do to support those affected by domestic violence but the best thing we can do is not turn our back any longer.
Today's Names of Texas women who were murdered by their intimate partner in 2008
Brenda Yelton, 46 Pearland d. 4-25-08
Brenda Lee Nunez, 17 Brownsville d. 02-09-08
Jaime Dawn Meyer, 41 Clay Co. d. 09-19-08
Mary Sue Doyle, 54 Altoga d. 4-22-2008
Amanda Jo Earheart-Savell, 30 Plano d. 6/05/08
Jennifer McCallum McKinney d. 04/09/08
Suanne Childress, 48 New Braunfels d. 12/30/08
Nancy Shields, 53 New Braunfels d. 7/17 08
Joy Tomerlin, New Braunfels d. 7/30/2008
Denise Banks, 59 Bangs d. 8-20-08
Norma De la Rosa, 38 Cameron Co. d. 8-11-08
Maura Marroquin, 23 Harlingen d. 1-01-08