Sunday, November 16, 2008


Here is a picture of Betty, Johnny, and myself all speaking to the church here in Mexico City. We arrived in Mexico City at 9 expecting there to be multiple speakers and God had decided that the three of us were who He wanted to speak to this church. We didn't leave until about 630. All in all it was about 7 hours of speaking. We had such a great day and I know God's message was heard.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mexico Day 2

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.........Oh Uhm........Sorry..... I guess I'm a little more tired than I thought. We have had a completely Full schedule and have not yet stopped moving since our feet hit the ground. We started Thursday morning at the State's prison for men at around 9 am. We were hustled into a line as soon as we arrived in order to make certain we all had Id's and were all going to get in. All in all we had a bout 25 people and the prison only wanted to let in 5. After about 15 mins of waiting outside the walls, we were given the okay to all come in together. The men were already up and running with their music portion of the service when We came in. They led about 2 or 3 songs and then invited Betty up to sing her song, of which, she chose Blessed Assurance. As she began the first verse the music stopped. She kept right on going and sang that song loud and proud. Despite language and technology barriers Betty truly blessed all of us with that song.

Johnny was able to have a few mins to talk with the men and received 20 men that accepted Jesus into there hearts. The prisoners were very receptive and happy with the service that was brought to them. After lunch we were blessed to have a strong turnout of almost 100 people from the church that were eager to listen to Johnnny describe Overcomers to them. We left them with a case of books printed in Spanish and I believe every one there left with a greater understanding of prison ministry and how this program is designed to overcome the grip of addiction.

At the evening service we saw several of the near 500 people come to the lord and experience God in the one of the most real and tangible ways I have seen in forever. We heard a great music presentation from Carmen Gloria, who blew the roof off of the sanctuary. Don Arnold of The Fellowship, gave a great message and led a great prayer service in which we saw many people healed and freed from many different strongholds. God is so good and has allowed us to be so blessed from everyone we have been in contact with. He is alive and moving across this Country in a way that is past due and much needed. I am blessed and honored to be here this week.

My prayer for the week is that God would use me as His servant to bring honor and pride to His name for His glory. There is so much work to be done still, but I am amazed by how far they have come and by how many people are eager to serve this ministry.

For more info on all the ministries represented here in Mexico This week please go to

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mexico Day 1

Well, I made it across the border via Charlotte, NC today. I made it into Mexico City about 1230 pm after heading to the airport at 5am. I am not sure why I had to fly an hour and a half north just to fly almost 4 hours back south to Mexico, but I made it in. When I got to The City i was met by SR. Reyes of "Amigos De Fe" who had a big plaque with "Javier Mendoza" written across it and I was happy they picked me up and not some other Javier Mendoza. We were then hustled to the Bus station and bought a 17 dollar Ticket to Puebla which is about 1 hr and 1/2 south east of Mexico City. The first thing I noticed was how incredibly Hazy it is. There are cars upon cars upon motorcycles, upon pedestrians and they are all vying for the "right" of way and of course our Bus automatically gets it because its 40 feet long and does not yield. As we were heading down the road you can see mountains and even a couple of volcanoes in the not so distant horizon. All in all not a bad drive but made my day very long. I finally made it to the Pastor's house in Puebla around 13 hours after I left the house this morning. Even now as I am writing it it seems like longer than it really was and I could fall asleep in the floor in front of me but I am glad to be here and know that God is here as well. I have met so many people already that are working hard to make sure that God stays here and that more people know about Him every day. There is no question that He has servants here and that His message is reaching into the mountains of Mexico. I am very tired and very ready to see what we can see in the next few days. Please pray for safety here and that everything goes as God would have, and that His will be done here in Mexico. We have such a full schedule so also pray for endurance and favor with the officials we intend to meet with in the next few days. We still have no camera clearance for the prisons so also please pray for us to receive those permits. The Pastor's were telling us that the prisons can be very corrupt and that there has been a lot of aggravation here between the states and the Drug Cartel. There has been more wars being waged on the grip of illegall drugs and that does not make the Cartel very happy. So please pray for our brothers and sisters here that they will have continued safety and continued perseverance. Thanks for all that you have been doing for us
God Bless

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mission Trip November 12- 18

Here is the first Official update on how, what and when….

Danielle and I are blessed to have such a great Network of friends and to have such an awesome family supporting and praying for us. If it was not for what God has done and for everyone that has blessed us financially and spiritually then the last few months and the next year would not be nearly as exciting. God is moving in big ways and is making a way for a lot of good stuff to happen.

Of course I have to say that first and foremost I am blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive wife. Danielle is great at everything she puts her mind to and encourages me to be the best version of myself on a daily basis. We have been totally Together through this entire transition into Texas and have been able to move into a place that we can learn about the ministry God moved us here for. She is understanding and thoughtful when it comes to doing what it takes to put God first in our lives and ensuring that we make time for the two of us so we don’t lose sight on what God ultimately has in store for our lives. I know God has truly given me a partner for life.

God has clearly given us a great ministry to be a part of and I learn that more and more each day I am here. Worldwide Voice In the Wilderness, is a ministry that creates opportunity to bring God into one of the most forgotten about places in the world, Prison. We believe that God is the only true hope and salvation that any of us have and know That He wants to be that for men and women in Prison as well. I know it sounds a little unconventional in a way to take a missions trip to prison but what a great opportunity we have to offer genuine, God given, salvation to men and women who may have no hope or promise of salvation in this life. The book of Romans tells us that Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. So, this is why we Must take the word of God into ALL the world and not forget those who have been left to be forgotten. WVIW brings His love and salvation into the walls of prisons around the world through Overcomer’s; a program geared to releasing individuals from the curse of addiction, and through Marriage seminars held for Prisoners and Correctional Officers alike. There are also programs for offenders and ex-offenders’ wives and families, and aftercare programs for parolees like transitional housing, and job placement assistance.

We want to be the hands and feet of God in every aspect of life for these individuals. The way that we do this is through God’s grace and favor with the correctional institutions so that we are allowed access to this physically and culturally segregated group of lost individuals. By God’s blessing and through support and prayer we have been blessed with much success in this endeavor. WVIW has made huge strides in the arena of prison ministry and is well known and respected in the US, Cuba, Jamaica, Western Europe, The UK, and Now Mexico.
There has long been a need for this type of ministry in all parts of the world and so we are blessed to add Mexico to our list of countries who have asked for us to come and share our message of hope with their prisoners. We will fly to Central Mexico on Tuesday November 12th, and will have to opportunity to be seen and heard by over 20,000 prison inmates and correctional facilitators in just a couple of days. We are equally excited to be able to bring Overcomers into their country with books that have been translated into Spanish and teachers that are willing to facilitate this proven Bible based 12 step addiction program.
We are so excited about what God is already doing in Dallas, and all over the world and now we will have new blessings to report on from Mexico. I am traveling to Mexico on Tuesday and will be back next Wednesday. I will be following Johnny and Betty Moffitt through Mexico City and Puebla and other towns in Central Mexico taking photographs and learning more and more about this God ordained organization. We are asking your prayers for open hearts and ears and for God to move on the Government officials when Johnny meets with them to create a working relationship that will allow us to continue working here. Also please pray for our safety and health as we travel. We have also received an email that has spoken against us being able to bring cameras inside the prison walls which we want to pray against because it would be a shame to not be able to come back and share with all of you what God is doing just South of the Border.

I pray you are blessed as you read this and ask for your comments and prayers either by email or on and Facebook.

As I am able I will keep you posted with all the trip’s events.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I think that it is up to each American on their own to decide weather or not we are going to, in this election, up the level of Personal responsibility inorder to make the "Change" from the inside out. It can't be up to one person or group of persons to make that decision for the collective. No matter the outcome of today we all have to take personal responsibily to be change and to create what we each envision. We have allowed someone else to alter or even create the direction of our goals and dreams for the assurance of being able to have someone else to blame when it all falls apart. We need to stop letting One human determine our moral compass and let God our Father and original designer take over! Then and only then will we not have to make the Choice to believe democrats or republicans, because there is only one truth and one right and one wrong. Its not up to me to interpret God's laws on my life. I have no opinion other than God's ! So, In at least this. . . I hope that today we all can agree. . to take time and pray for God to take the lead and show us the direction he has charted for our lives and pray that there be less of "Me" in the Whitehouse and more of HiM! Love javi

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